February 2, 2023

10 Tips for Goal Setting in the New Year

10 Tips for Goal Setting in the New Year Every January many people decide to make New Year’s Resolutions to help improve the quality of their lives. This time of year often fills people with hope that they can make changes in their lives. Many people set goals and aspire to follow through and meet their goals. In […]
August 16, 2021

Better Sleep for Better Health

Better Sleep For Better Health How Much Sleep Do I Need? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults ages 18-60 years of age sleep for 7 or more hours each night. The recommendation for adults 61-64 years is 7-9 hours and for adults 65 years and older 7-8 hours is recommended. If you are sleeping […]
April 11, 2021

The Buzz on Caffeine

The Buzz on Caffeine About 85% of Americans drink at least one caffeinated beverage every day. But is caffeine good for us? Is it helping or harming our health? How does caffeine work? Caffeine is a stimulant. Adenosine is a natural sedative that builds up during the hours that we are awake, and the adenosine molecules break down […]